



Manager, Utility Technology(004258)

Manager, Utility Technology(004258) 巴斯夫一体化基地(广东)有限公司 公司性质:合资/合作 公司规模:1000人以上


职位性质:全职 专业要求:不限 招聘人数:1人 工作地点: 广东-湛江市 更新日期:2024.11.07 工作经验:十年以上 外语要求:英语良好 职称要求:无职称 学历要求:本科及以上 工资待遇:20000 - 35000 招聘日期:2023.11.13 ~ 2025.05.25


BASF is currently building a new Verbund site in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province. Announced in July 2018 and officially commenced in November 2019, BASF Zhanjiang Verbund Site Project would be BASF’s largest investment with up to US$10 billion upon completion and would be operated under the sole responsibility of BASF. BASF Zhanjiang Verbund site would ultimately be the third-largest BASF site worldwide, and will be built into a role model for smart manufacturing and sustainable production by utilizing the latest digital technologies and applying the highest safety standards.  

Main Tasks

- Represents the interests of IOU Operations and act as single point of contact during the whole Phase II project and make the operation / start-up successfully and reach stable operation.
- Jointly with the Phase I IOU Operations team and Phase II Project Manager responsible to achieve the Project Requirements regarding cost, schedule, quality and safety in close cooperation with Global Infrastructure Technology.
- Coordination of mechanical completion (MC) checking, Quality assurance/control, Manuals, Commissioning, Start-up preparation and Start-up, Acceptance test, Technology, Asset management, Process management, Logistic concept, Operation Concept and Maintenance aspects in close alignment with IOU Operations team Phase I.
- Responsible for the implementation of all Technology requirements into the project, e.g., ensure compliance with Global Process Safety Concepts.
- Responsible for all plant operation aspects, e.g., elaboration of the operations, safety and control manuals.
- Foster digitalization application to optimize plant safety, environment compliance, operation, efficiency, cost etc.
- Lead the joint team to identify the cause and find out the technical solution for IOU level issues.
- Utility distribution and Mass & Heat balance expert.
- Initiator of technical proposal on utility generation, distribution and planning.
- Process/engineering 1st draft design party for utilities (steam, water, gas, wastewater, electricity, etc.) generation and distribution.
- Process Safety Authority for technical proposal and MoC (Management of Change).
- Accountability for operation manual, alarm, control loop, IPF (Instrument protective function) loop, PSV (Pressure Safety Valve) management.
- Trainer of process for operation team of both utility generation and grid distribution.
- Take the lead role on technology and operation aspect for all IOU topics related to Phase II expansion.
- Coordinate the application for new project Initial and Final Approval.
- Follow BASF´s overarching principles for EHSQ (Environmental, health, safety and quality) disciplines and processes and comply with legal, regulatory and EHS related requirements.
- Comply with relevant safety responsibilities for the position as attachment.


- Bachelor degree of Engineering, chemical engineering and energy engineering are preferable.
- Professional experience in petrochemical/chemical plants on process or production: min. 10 years.
- Good coach and training skills.
- Proficient in relevant IT tools (MS office).
- Fluent communication in English.
- Good communication ability among BIG clusters internally and local administration externally.

请时刻警惕任何可能的招聘欺诈行为! 请注意,巴斯夫绝不会在任何情况下向候选人以任何形式收取任何费用。


Senior Engine...广东2024-11-7 罐箱清洗检验...广东2024-11-7 集装箱卡车物...广东2024-11-7 实验室技术员(...广东2024-11-7 Senior Engine...广东2024-11-7 Senior Engine...广东2024-11-7 堆场操作员(00...广东2024-11-7 Logistic supe...广东2024-11-8 Senior Engine...广东2024-11-7 Manager, TAR ...广东2024-11-7 包装物流聚乙...广东2024-11-7 包装物流非离...广东2024-11-7 包装物流聚乙...广东2024-11-7 包装物流非离...广东2024-11-7 Operator,NIS ...广东2024-11-7 包装物流聚乙...广东2024-11-7 包装物流聚乙...广东2024-11-7 包装物流聚乙...广东2024-11-7 Piping Engine...广东2024-11-7 Assistant Eng...广东2024-11-7 Senior TAR En...广东2024-11-7 Senior Engine...广东2024-11-7 聚乙烯工艺技...广东2024-11-8 Process Engin...广东2024-11-7 Senior Engine...广东2024-11-7 S3D管理高级工...广东2024-11-7 罐箱清洗站高...广东2024-11-7 工艺设计高级...广东2024-11-7 Senior Engine...广东2024-11-7 动设备高级工...广东2024-11-7 Senior Engine...广东2024-11-7 Manager, Elec...广东2024-11-7 电驱经理(电...广东2024-11-7 Manager, Asse...广东2024-11-7 Manager, Comm...广东2024-11-7 外部车辆管理...广东2024-11-7 集装箱堆场高...广东2024-11-7 厂内运输高级...广东2024-11-7 承包商安全管...广东2024-11-7 (高级) 仪表工...广东2024-11-7 Assistant Man...广东2024-11-7 备件仓库技术...广东2024-11-7 包装线领班Shi...广东2024-11-7 高级仪控工程...广东2024-11-7 Engineering M...广东2024-11-7 Senior Engine...广东2024-11-7 Senior Engine...广东2024-11-7 海关关系高级...广东2024-11-7 运输管理(高...广东2024-11-7 (Senior) Offi...广东2024-11-7 动设备主管 (0...广东2024-11-7 副班长-污水处...广东2024-11-7 电气维修经理广东2024-11-7 Senior TAR En...广东2024-11-7 丙烯酸/酯生产...广东2024-11-7 EO/EG/MG高级...广东2024-11-7 (高级)机械设...广东2024-11-7 Manager, MES ...广东2024-11-7 低压电气高级...广东2024-11-7 包装线资深操...广东2024-11-7 Manager, Util...广东2024-11-7 Seni Engineer...广东2024-11-7 Planner & Sch...广东2024-11-7 电气仪表计划...广东2024-11-7 Senior Engine...广东2024-11-7 计划员(004009)广东2024-11-7 罐区码头操作...广东2024-11-7 罐区码头高级...广东2024-11-7 Machinery E&I...广东2024-11-7 Rotating Tech...广东2024-11-7 Senior Shift ...广东2024-11-7 Manager,Produ...广东2024-11-7 Senior Engine...广东2024-11-7 Senior Engine...广东2024-11-7 Supervisor,De...广东2024-11-7 技术仓库主管(...广东2024-11-7 Senior engine...广东2024-11-7 仪表主管(001962)广东2024-11-7 电气高级工程...广东2024-11-7 Senior Engine...广东2024-11-7 Senior Engine...广东2024-11-7 动设备主管(00...广东2024-11-7 Manager, Cont...广东2024-11-7 Supervisor, O...广东2024-11-7 电气维修主管广东2024-11-7 Shift lead of...广东2024-11-7 锅炉运行岗--...广东2024-11-7 电仪主管--基...广东2024-11-7 Shift lead of...广东2024-11-7 更多∨


招聘公用工程部管理人员招聘 公共系统(水、蒸汽、风、天...


北京 上海 广州 深圳 天津 哈尔滨 沈阳 大连 石家庄 西安 青岛 济南 重庆 成都 武汉 长沙 南京 合肥 郑州 昆明 苏州 无锡 杭州 宁波 惠州 东莞 福州 厦门
B北京 包头 保定
C重庆 成都 长沙 常熟 常州 长春
D大连 东莞
F福州 福建 佛山
G广州 甘肃 贵阳 贵州 广东 广西
H哈尔滨 合肥 杭州 惠州 邯郸 河北 河南 黑龙江 湖北 海口 海南 湖南 呼和浩特
J济南 吉林 嘉兴 江苏 江西 金华
K昆明 昆山
L廊坊 连云港 辽宁 洛阳
N南京 宁波 南昌 南通 内蒙古 宁夏 南宁
Q青岛 青海 泉州
S上海 深圳 沈阳 石家庄 苏州 山东 山西 绍兴 三亚 陕西 汕头 四川
T天津 台州 太原 唐山
W武汉 无锡 威海 温州 乌鲁木齐
X西安 厦门 徐州 新疆
Y烟台 盐城 扬州 义乌 银川 云南
Z郑州 浙江 中山 珠海 全部


江西化验员 江西热能与动力工程师 江西环保工程师 江西化工工程师 江西安全工程师 江西过程装备与控制工程师 江西化工应用工程师 江西化工工程师 江西热工工程师 江西化工工程师 江西化工工艺工程师 江西化学检测工程师 江西化学分析工程师 江西化验员 江西化工工程师 江西化工应用工程师 江西化工工程师 江西能源工程师 江西化学工程师 江西环境工程设计师 江西化工工艺工程师 江西化学检测工程师 江西材料质量控制 江西化学检测工程师 江西化工工艺工程师 江西高分子工程师 江西材料工程师 江西过程装备与控制设计员





