



Quality Engineer

Quality Engineer 中石化英力士苯领高新材料(宁波)有限公司 公司性质:合资/合作 公司规模:500 - 999人


职位性质:全职 专业要求:机械相关专业 招聘人数:1人 工作地点: 浙江-宁波市 更新日期:2024.08.08 工作经验:十年以上 外语要求:不限 职称要求:无职称 学历要求:本科 工资待遇:15000 - 25000 招聘日期:2024.06.04 ~ 2024.12.31


A. Purpose /Role of the job /: Describe in 1 phrase what contribution the job is expected to make to the organisation’s objectives

 The quality engineer is responsible for the safe, efficient and reliable and routine operation of the offline- and online laboratories. This position will control the product specification and ensure the product quality released to customer comply with ISO9001 and manage customer complaint coordinating investigation within define company KPIs and control the ISO document database compliance with ISO system, including ISO audit of all organizations to assure that company standards are maintained and product integrity is preserved.
 The quality engineer is responsible for quality system set up & maintenance. Lead and participate customer complaint & trouble shooting related product.

• Promoting and upholding the safety performance in accordance with behavioural and process safety directives
• Compliance with and promotion of different behavioural and process safety initiatives and measures - initiation and monitoring / tracking
• Incident investigation (focus on assets): Initiation, participation, co-ordination and monitoring / tracking of actions. Contribute to Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) program at site
• Follow up and implement any SHE and quality related legislation, participate in safety trainings
• Support Site SHE committee to resolve safety issues and drive SHE performance.
• Incident reporting and investigation, MOC, action item tracking
• Collaborate to track and close all SHE related action items from audit, plant walkthroughs.
• Contribute to company Asset Care program
• Participate on the company Sustainability program at site.
Laboratory Guidance
• Work closely together with process manufacturing team and E&I process control – and automation engineer for an efficient interface between the LIMS, DCS in main control room and local control cabinets in the online lab.
• Support Lab supervisor in training the laboratory technicians in operating the equipment
Quality management system
• Document plan of ISO 9001 internal audit and propose approval to QM/QA manager
• Implement audit in all functions according to ISO requirements to ensure the implementation
• Prepare report on audit results including nonconformities and observation to QM/QA manager
• Follow-up of the corrective actions for nonconformities
• Evaluate the efficiency of corrective actions
• Prepare management review according to ISO requirements and report to top management
• Coordinate plan of ISO authority on-site inspection to ensure ISO certification
• Coordinate of Substance volume track
• Continuous monitoring and improvement of management processes
Non-conformance management
• Investigate root causes for complaints regarding quality issues and report on investigation results to managers and production and marketing & sales
• Determine corrective actions according to investigation results with the related functions (production, logistics, marketing & sales)
• Monitor and accelerate notification to ensure customer feedback in time
• Monitor complaint status and report to QM/QA manager with recommendation
• Co-ordinate customer sample delivery and pilot production tracking
Projects, 3rd party contact
• Lead projects in regard to expertise, scope and budgeting for laboratory equipment
• Co-ordinate product certification and sampling
• Completion of QM module setup in SAP system.
F. Required profile:
Level of education & Knowledge:
• Bachelor’s degree in quality assurance and Quality Control with at a minimum 15 years’ experience in the chemical process industry.
• Additional knowledge and experience in manufacturing, safety, health and environment as well as in personnel management is preferred
Experience in general:
• Fluent in written English
• At least 8-10 years of experience in a in Quality Assurance and Quality Control position at a (petro)chemical company.
• The leadership express yourself in a natural, respectful way.
Technical skills:
• Has working knowledge of applicable laboratory codes and standards (e.g. ISO/DIN standards, Good Laboratory Practice, ….)
• Has knowledge about the practical use of laboratory statistics and mathematics for the evaluation of analytical methods and performing statistical process – and quality control on lab data, reference samples etc.. Experience with statistical techniques such as chemometrics, DOE,… is a plus
• Has solid understanding and working experience with various inorganic and organic analytical techniques Experience with polymer analytical techniques and polymer specimen preparation is a plus, e.g. viscosity measurements, mechanical testing methods, laboratory injection/extrusion molding machinery,…;
• Has working knowledge about laboratory data management & analysis software and applications
• Has relevant SHE knowledge to Lab operations and Lab Chemical/sample handling.
• Has knowledge to ISO 9001 standard


Quality Engineer浙江2024-8-8 Site buyer (...浙江2024-8-8 实验室技术员浙江2024-8-8 Mechanical Te...浙江2024-8-8 Packaging Sup...浙江2024-8-8 E&I Technician浙江2024-8-8 维修主管(机...浙江2024-8-8 更多∨


质量工程师招聘 质量管理工程师/QC工程师招聘 Quality Engineer招聘


北京 上海 广州 深圳 天津 哈尔滨 沈阳 大连 石家庄 西安 青岛 济南 重庆 成都 武汉 长沙 南京 合肥 郑州 昆明 苏州 无锡 杭州 宁波 惠州 东莞 福州 厦门
B北京 包头 保定
C重庆 成都 长沙 常熟 常州 长春
D大连 东莞
F福州 福建 佛山
G广州 甘肃 贵阳 贵州 广东 广西
H哈尔滨 合肥 杭州 惠州 邯郸 河北 河南 黑龙江 湖北 海口 海南 湖南 呼和浩特
J济南 吉林 嘉兴 江苏 江西 金华
K昆明 昆山
L廊坊 连云港 辽宁 洛阳
N南京 宁波 南昌 南通 内蒙古 宁夏 南宁
Q青岛 青海 泉州
S上海 深圳 沈阳 石家庄 苏州 山东 山西 绍兴 三亚 陕西 汕头 四川
T天津 台州 太原 唐山
W武汉 无锡 威海 温州 乌鲁木齐
X西安 厦门 徐州 新疆
Y烟台 盐城 扬州 义乌 银川 云南
Z郑州 浙江 中山 珠海 全部


Quality Engineer 化学工程师 过程装备与控制工程师 化工工程师 化工工程师 过程装备与控制设计员 环保工程师 化学检测工程师 化验员 化工工艺工程师 化工工艺工程师 材料工程师 化工应用工程师 高分子工程师 化工工程师 化工工艺工程师 化学分析工程师 化验员 热能与动力工程师 环境工程设计师 材料质量控制 化学检测工程师 化工工程师 热工工程师 能源工程师 化学检测工程师 化工工程师 安全工程师 化工应用工程师





