
化学工程师/Chemical Engineer 6k~10k

本科及以上 三年以上 上海-金山区

更新时间: 2019-06-12

合资/合作 100 - 499人


招聘日期: 2018-07-04 ~ 2019-06-27


l 通过实验室分析或现场快速测试,对废料鉴别分类,并识别其危险性;

Confim the waste/chemical classifications and risks according to lab analysis or on-site quick test.

2 根据识别出的废料性质,结合现有焚烧处理工艺,确定最优预处理方式;

Define the treatment according to the waste classification and characters;

3 废料偏差记录并跟踪:包括物理形态,组分,化学性质,包装等偏差记录;

Record the deviations, including compents, characters, packages, etc.

4 根据不同废料性质,探索寻找并实施新的预处理工艺,例如混合,中和,惰化,固液分离,溶剂分离回收,包装清洗回收等;

Search and implement new treatment procedures, such as mixing, neutralization, inerting, solid-liquid seperation, solvent recylcing, distillation, packages cleaning, etc;

5 现场SOP的执行跟踪,优化或改进,撰写或修订;

SOP following, optimizing, modification;

6 现场5S管理,包括仓库存储,库存,安全,卫生等;

Site 5S management, such as storage safety, stock, hygiene, etc;

7 对废料分类、包装、标签等为客户提供后台技术支持;

Technical support about waste classification, packages, label, etc.