
气体充装工(海盐) 6k~8k

学历不限 经验不限 浙江-嘉兴市

更新时间: 2024-07-01

外商独资 1000人以上


招聘日期: 2023-08-09 ~ 2024-08-06


Purpose ?目的

It should be just one sentence that provides macro, concise view of the job.


Nature and Scope?性质和范围

This is the narrative part of the JD. It is written in straight prose paragraphs, not in lists or headings. Being unstructured, it gives the writer to convey all the necessary facts together with something of the feel of the job. It provides the meat on the bones of the other parts of JD. It illuminates the job and helps the reader to have a good grasp on what the job entails without going into details. It should be easy to read, logical and interesting.



This is a statement of the continuing end results required of a job. It answers the question “What are the main areas in which this job must get results in order to achieve its Purpose?”

Between four to eight is a good rule of thumb for jobs with a management element: fewer and you may be rolling 2 or more together, or overlooking important areas; more and you may be listing activities.

This section should be written to give a clear, realistic and specific profile of the actual knowledge, actual skills and actual experience needed to achieve the outputs expected from the job.