气化生产工程师 15000~20000 元/月
本科及以上 五年以上 江苏-连云港市
更新时间: 2025-03-26
外商独资 1000人以上

招聘日期: 2025-02-28 ~ 2025-10-07
- 化学工程与工艺相关专业
- 无职称
- 全职
- 若干
- 英语良好
1. Technical support in HT-L gasification pre-commissioning, commissioning and startup all activities. Manage daily operation activities in related HT-L Gasification train, ensure each operation action following up SWIM and Checklist. 提供气化装置试开车技术支持。负责所辖气化系列的日常工艺和操作管理,确保《操作法》和检查表得到贯彻。
2. Support to identify and complete the Gasification DHR&ORR actions agreed with Hohhot Co.
3. Find the trouble and issue in scope in time, quickly deal with site any safety and operation issue with correct way, work close with maintenance to quickly deal with equipment issue. 及时发现和正确处理所辖气化系列安全隐患和生产故障,与维修紧密工作、迅速解决设备故障。
4. Identify and implement opportunities to improve Gasification operational efficiencies,reliability projects. Responsible to develop and implement Gasification SWIM. 负责制订优化气化装置运行效率和可靠性的改造项目,负责修订和完善气化装置操作手册
5. Check DCS alarm sheet in scope every day, find the abnormal condition, work close with other function team, deal with any abnormal issue in time 每天检查所辖气化系列报警画面,查找不正常现象及时协调处理。
6. To coordinate with Gasification Process Control Engineer, Maintenance Engineers to maintain scoped train safe and stable operation to meet supply chain production needs. 与气化装置工艺控制工程师、维修工程师协调共同维持合成气稳定安全供应,满足生产要求。
7. Responsible to participate in process safety reviews & OPHR to improve Gasification safety performance. 参与气化装置工艺安全审查,以提高装置安全性能。
1. Job incumbent should have chemical process or chemical engineering bachelor degree.
2. Job Incumbent is expected to have rich actual operation experience of Shell Or HT-L Gasification, including commissioning and startup. At least 5 year’s experiences. Engineering experience is preferred.
3. Current position on Jinhua/GE Gasification Production Process Engineer will be priority.
4. Good office software using skill. 良好的使用办公软件
5. Mid-level oral English and written English will be helpful. 中级英语
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